All in Coronavirus

How to help franchisees climb out of lockdown.

Discover 30 ways to help franchisees recover from the impact of covid-19 (coronavirus) and to reopen their businesses successfully after lockdown. More than ever before, franchisees are looking for clear leadership from franchisors and a positive plan they can follow to survive. Learn how to deliver such a plan to save your franchisees here.

30 ways to connect with and keep customers during lockdown.

Businesses need to stay connected with our customers and clients during this outbreak – both to show we care and to keep a loyal base of customers to sell to after lockdown. Everyone wants to feel loved, reassured and a member of a more caring, kind and understanding society during the coronavirus crisis. Discover 30 ways you can connect with your customers and keep them throughout these difficult times. Show your customers some love during lockdown.

Are all your ducks lined up? NOW is the time to prepare your business to succeed after coronavirus lockdown.

In a few short weeks or months, the lockdown will inevitably come to an end. You and everyone else in you sector will then be scrabbling after the same customers to get the money coming back in. Only the strongest will succeed. You need to prepare NOW before the lockdown is over - here’s how.

How to protect your business during and after the coronavirus crisis.

Let’s not bury our heads in the sand – things are already tough and will get tougher – and in recognising that, we can at least take robust actions to ride out the coronavirus crisis as best we can. But the emergency will eventually pass, so NOW is also the time to make plans and put procedures in place to ensure your business will be strong and efficient when it’s over.